• News
  • Ure joge

    V petek smo imeli prvo uro joge, ko smo posnemali tigra, želvo in kačo, ter se prelevili v lotus drevo in cvetlico. Hvala gospe Nandini in njenemu timu za krasen uvod v osnovne položaje joge in meditacije za otroke. Tako smo se naučili, kako loviti ravnotežje v položaju drevesa in kako umiriti misli v položaju loutusa, […]

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  • Likovna delavnica

    Naši otroci so se udeležili likovne delavnice ˝Prihodnost je naša˝ (We own the Future), ki jo je organizirala Apeejay Anand Children library. Delavnice so je udeležilo več 1000 otrok z različnih šol in organizacij, tako da prijetne in vesele družbe res ni manjkalo. V sproščenem vzdušju so bele majice v otroških rokah rokah postale mavrično […]

  • News
  • 31.1

    Sincere thanks to the young and extremely dynamic Prayaas group from Hind Motor that made it possible for us to prepare our first-ever school picnic for our children on Republic Day! The young people were excellent animators and organized lots of sports and games so that there was no end to the fun and laughter. […]

  • News
  • 22.1

    The New Year is also a time for a new group photograph. Tamara Bizjak, who’s now come to visit us for the sixth time, makes sure that every one of our faces is visible on the photo. Tamara celebrated the New Year with us as well as her birthday. She blew out her birthday candles in […]

  • News
  • 14.1

    During the first days of the New Year, we were very pleased to receive a visit from Francesca, Sergio and their two sons, Francesco and Matteo. Because this was the family’s first visit to India, our students prepared an exhibit that displayed some of the things that are home to India. Our guests were thus […]

  • News
  • 18.12

    This year, we were already able to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s in conference room. The programme was a colourful mix of elements that combined both the east and the west. The girls danced to the sounds of Silent Night while dressed in Indian saris, while the story of Christmas became a true Indian story. […]

  • News
  • 15.11

    Our Children’s Day celebrations were again a great success this year as our teachers prepared a really fun program packed with games and songs. For the finale, they put together a comedy that made us laugh until we cried. We sweetened ourselves with candies from Slovenia, played with balloons from Germany and licked our fingers […]